• Cabbage F1 seeds


    Cabbage and Kale are cool-season vegetables high in nutrients, low in calories, and very tolerant of frost. They are used in many of the world’s cuisines — think egg rolls, sauerkraut, and stuffed cabbage, to name just a few! — and some varieties are ideal as ornamental annual plants. They come in a wide range of colors, head shapes, and flavors, so you are certain to find a favorite among the many delicious (and beautiful) varieties!

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Brinjal F1 Round seeds


    Eggplant is a versatile vegetable that’s an essential ingredient in dishes from around the world! It’s naturally low in calories, fat, and sodium, yet high in fiber and loads of other vitamins and nutrients, and it comes in a number of varieties that are just as beautiful as they are tasty! Our wide selection is sure to provide something for everyone. If you’re not already a fan of the excellent, edible Eggplant, you soon will be!

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Beet Root F1 Red Grand seeds


    From earthy to sweet, the flavors of the beet are sure to please! This cool-weather root crop is easy to grow and versatile, proving delicious and nutritious from its rich greens right down to its round or oblong root. Typically reddish-purple but also available in white, golden-yellow, or even rainbow colors, beets are great for canning and pickling (smaller beets are best for this), eating raw, and much more! The raw beet roots have a crunchy texture that turns soft and buttery when cooked, and the greens have a satisfyingly bitter taste, similar to chard.

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Thyme seeds

    Original price was: Rs.200.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.

    English Thyme is a must-have in the kitchen herb garden and in patio containers. Essential for seasoning a huge range of dishes, these small gray-green leaves are packed with flavor and easy to harvest by letting the stems dry (after cutting from the plant) for a few days, then simply stripping the leaves.

    Original price was: Rs.200.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.
    Total: Rs. 150
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  • Asparagus seeds

    Original price was: Rs.180.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.

    The tender, succulent spears of asparagus have been considered a delicacy since ancient times, and with their mild, nutty flavor, nutritional value, and eagerness to come back year after year, it’s no wonder! Once established, a well-planned asparagus bed can produce for 20 to 30 years, providing a truly delicious and versatile veggie that contains an impressive list of B vitamins, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and loads more nutrients!

    Original price was: Rs.180.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.
    Total: Rs. 150
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  • Vinca Pacifica XP Mixed seeds


    Vinca, also known as periwinkle, is one of the most dependable and long-blooming flowers for your garden. Vinca is able to stand up to all types of adverse conditions and not only survive, but thrive. The brilliant flowers come in a wide range of colors that will fit in any garden.

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Portulaca Garden Splendors Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Create a hotbed of long-lasting, tropical color in hot, dry garden spots with Sundial Mix, one of the most vibrantly-hued collections of blooms you will ever see! These 2-inch flowers are fully double and exquisitely formed, nestled above the succulent foliage like shrub Roses.
    These low-growing, tough plants are very floriferous, beginning their bloom season earlier than other Rose Mosses and remaining colorful through the worst summer heat and drought. The blooms stay open longer in the day than other Portulacas as well, giving you more glorious tropical color! Just 6 inches tall, these plants spread an incredible 14 to 16 inches in the sunny garden, and are perfect for filling containers to overflowing with small, needle-like foliage and masses of great blooms.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Ornamental Kale seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    One of the most nutritious veggies in the world!
    Kale is a cool-season vegetable that’s high in nutrients, low in calories, and very tolerant of frost. Offering a range of colors and shapes, many varieties, although just as edible and delicious as the plainer types, are grown mainly for their beautiful ornamental leaves, which are brilliant red, pink, lavender, blue, violet, or white in the interior. When choosing a kale, keep in mind that green ones tend to be sweeter, while red varieties are somewhat more appealing to the eye. Red kale also contains anthocyanins, an antioxidant!

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Nemesia Carnival Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Nemesia is a small bedding plant with many uses in the garden. Use them as edging plants, ground covers, in mixed borders, woodland plantings and as container or hanging basket plants. Most varieties grow to about a foot (. 3 m.) in height

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Marigold F1 Pitambari

    Original price was: Rs.200.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.
    Original price was: Rs.200.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.
    Total: Rs. 150
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  • Marigold F1 Kesari seeds

    Original price was: Rs.150.00.Current price is: Rs.120.00.
    Original price was: Rs.150.00.Current price is: Rs.120.00.
    Total: Rs. 120
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  • Marigold F1 Inca Yellow seeds

    Original price was: Rs.80.00.Current price is: Rs.60.00.
    Original price was: Rs.80.00.Current price is: Rs.60.00.
    Total: Rs. 60
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  • Marigold F1 Inca Orange seeds


    A very early reasonable large flowered and fully double Marigold with a compact shape and dark Foliage in Orange Colours.
    Ht : 25cms

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Marigold African Yellow seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    One of the most popular variety African Marigold for commercial purpose in big double shape. Best for beds.
    Ht : 75cms

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Marigold African Orange seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Long Compact orange flower profuse flowering ideal for beds and pots. Long lasting showers with sturdy stem.
    Ht : 90cms

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Hollyhocks Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    These plants have colorful bloom spikes for the back of a border, in screens, against a fence or wall alongside gateposts, or framing an entryway. Hollyhocks may be tall (4-6 feet) or dwarf (about 2 feet). They have stiff stems, maple-like foliage and, in summer, spikes of single or double blooms, 3-6 inches wide, in all colors (except blue). Old-fashioned types display bell-shaped petals, while modern types are more often fringed, ruffled, or doubled

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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