• Coco Husk Chips (1kg)

    Total: Rs. 65
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  • Antirrhinum Tall mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    A superb plant with double azalea flowers on tall graceful sticks.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Aster Double Mixed

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Balsam Camellia Flowered DbI Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Compact, bushy, and very free-flowering, this mix sports big 2-inch blooms in pink, red, lavender, and rose. They arise all along the stems, which makes deadheading difficult, but if you do pinch off those you can easily reach, you’ll get new blossoms all the faster. And the foliage is attractive too — dense, bushy, and bright.

    Balsam makes a nice companion to other heavy feeders in the garden, such as roses, phlox, and hollyhocks. It needs consistent moisture, and appreciates an application of fertilizer every 2 weeks or so during the growth and bloom seasons. Given that, it can take as much or as little sun as you want to give it, with afternoon shade ideal in most climates.

    Bees and birds both seek out the nectar in these flowers, making Balsam a good choice for the butterfly garden or for a choice birdwatching spot in the backyard.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Calendula Fiesta Gitana Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Long-lasting daisy-like blooms for cutting are borne on an easy-togrow plant used for edging, borders, containers, and greenhouses. Some blooms may have medicinal value. Upright, busy plants reach 8-24 inches tall and 8-12 inches wide. Daisy-like 3-5 inch blooms of orange, yellow, or apricot arise from early summer till frost, in single or double-flowered forms. Oblong dark green foliage, 4-6 inches long, has a sticky texture

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • California Poppy Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    California Poppy will brighten any border, rock garden, or container, be it a window box or tub. Also useful for naturalizing, it likes it best when sown directly outdoors. The 1- to 2- foot tall mounds of finely cut, silver-gray foliage are but a backdrop to showy flowers with a chiffon-like texture to their petals. Flowers are 2-3 inches, saucershaped, and are either single, double, or semi-double. They range a multitude of colors: gold, yellow, bronze, orange, scarlet, rose, or white. The flowers close at nightfall and throughout the day they are phototropic: they follow the sun across the sky

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Candytuft Snow White seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Used in borders, rock gardens, as edging material, and as a groundcover. It is an evergreen perennial with a mat-forming habit from 9-12 inches tall, spreading to 18 inches. The dark green leaves are linear to 11/2 inches long.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Celosia Cristata (Cocks Comb) Mixed

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Chrysenthimum Carrinatum Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Are you looking for gorgeous color for your fall and winter garden? Look no further than Chrysanthemum . These stunning flowers have bold yellow centers that fade into pale cream at the tips of the petals all contrasted against bold green foliage. It’s colors are most vibrant in the cooler temperatures. So as your landscape cools off these blooms heat up. Besides being beautiful these are also deer resistant and will bring your pollinators flocking! Butterflies and bees love them. Chrysanthemums bloom late in the summer season and sometimes even into the winter depending on your zone. They also look great in a bed, border, or even as cut flowers. Add these yellow peach blooms to your landscape today for a bloom that no one will be able to resist.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Cineraria Hansa Mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Cineraria plants are tender perennials that produce pretty flowers resembling large daisies. They hail from the Canary Islands and originally had gray-green foliage, which was seen as undesirable, so many hybrids and new varieties of cineraria have been developed, which benefit from lush green foliage.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Larkspur Giant Imperial Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Considered one of the best perennials. Delphinium is excellent for background planting, in borders, or for cutting. In early summer, tall 1- to 5- foot stalks display 3- inch, single or double blooms of white, light blue to purple and pink to mauve. Plants reach 12-18 inches wide and sometimes rebloom in fall

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Marigold African Orange seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Long Compact orange flower profuse flowering ideal for beds and pots. Long lasting showers with sturdy stem.
    Ht : 90cms

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Ornamental Kale seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    One of the most nutritious veggies in the world!
    Kale is a cool-season vegetable that’s high in nutrients, low in calories, and very tolerant of frost. Offering a range of colors and shapes, many varieties, although just as edible and delicious as the plainer types, are grown mainly for their beautiful ornamental leaves, which are brilliant red, pink, lavender, blue, violet, or white in the interior. When choosing a kale, keep in mind that green ones tend to be sweeter, while red varieties are somewhat more appealing to the eye. Red kale also contains anthocyanins, an antioxidant!

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Pansy Swiss Giant Imperial Mixed

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Petunia – Stars Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Petunia F1 Glorious Double Mix seeds


    An attractive mix with a variety of colors including bi-colors. Large, fully double flowers.

    Total: Rs. 80
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