• Coriander F1 seeds


    Coriander is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania or cilantro. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds (as a spice) are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Cosmos Orange

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Cosmos Sensation Mixed

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Cucumber F1 seeds

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Dahlia Beauty Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    An easy-to-grow source of bright blooms, grow for borders, beds, and background plantings or for cut-flower arrangements. Floriferous plants, 1-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide, are deer-resistant and humidity-tolerant. From early summer till fall, rounded, 1- to 5- inch blooms arise in white, pink, crimson, yellow-red, lilac-purple, and a wide range of color patterns. The flowers can have form such as single, double, formal, informal, quill, anemone, cactus, and pompom

    Dahlias have one of the widest ranges of bloom colors, forms, and sizes you’ll find anywhere. From 1/2″ pompoms to 12″ dinner-plate-sized flowers, Dahlias bring striking life to the landscape in late summer and into fall. Flaunting nearly every available flower color, except true blue, Dahlias send up both daisy-like single types and full doubles, as well as intermediate forms such as collarettes and anemone styles.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Daisy Double Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Grow it in borders, rock gardens, in containers, and as a bedding plant. The plants form 4-6 inch tall by 2-8 inch wide basal rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves. The single or double, white, pink, red, or purple, daisy-like flowers appear.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Dianthus Baby Doll Mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    These long-blooming flowers come in a variety of colours, from white to deep maroon to orange. The brightly colored petals are intensely ruffled and have striking dentate margins, growing atop bushy masses of thick blue-green foliage.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Dianthus F1 Ideal Selected Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.150.00.Current price is: Rs.120.00.

    Dianthus, an easy-to-grow source of long-lasting blooms for cutting, may be grown as an edging, in borders, beds, and containers. Single or double blooms, 1/2- to 1- inch wide, in shades of white, red, pink, rose, or lavender in solids or bicolors

    Original price was: Rs.150.00.Current price is: Rs.120.00.
    Total: Rs. 120
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  • Dill seeds

    Original price was: Rs.180.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.

    Dill is an annual with feathery blue-green leaves and tiny yellow blooms that produce masses of small brown seeds in fall. Both leaves and seeds are used in cooking, lending their flavors to everything from pickles to potatoes, eggs to fish.

    Original price was: Rs.180.00.Current price is: Rs.150.00.
    Total: Rs. 150
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  • Dimorphotheca white king seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Dimorphotheca is a low growing, half hardy plant. While it can be grown as an annual flower in most places, it is often used as a winter annual where temperatures remain mild. In fact, these low growing annuals are quite tolerant of both heat and dry conditions, which lead to a more compact growth habit and creates a stunning visual display when the flowers have been planted in large patches.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Double Poppy Sherly Indian Mixed seeds


    A beautiful mixture of pleated blooms in misty shades of grey, lilac, mauve, pink, soft orange, and white pirouette gracefully at the ends of the wiry stems. Best in drifts, and so easy to grow,

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • French Marigold Honey Comb seeds

    Original price was: Rs.120.00.Current price is: Rs.100.00.

    A very early reasonable large flowered and fully double Marigold with a compact shape and dark Foliage in Yellow Colours.
    Ht : 25cms

    Original price was: Rs.120.00.Current price is: Rs.100.00.
    Total: Rs. 100
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  • Gaillardia Pulchella Dbl Red

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
  • Gaillardia Pulchella Lolenz Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    This selection of a native American perennial starts blooming with the first breath of hot summer weather and continues, in most climates, right through fall until nipped back by frost. That’s an incredible season of color — and on a plant that is quite easy to grow!

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Gazania Sunshine Hybrid Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Gazania serves most purposes: ground cover, edging, bedding, borders, planters, house plant, and it makes a cheerful hostess-gift. It’s a vigorous and floriferous annual. The 6-15 inch long flower stalks rise above the plant bearing single daisy-like flowers all summer long into winter if brought indoors. The 3-5 inch flowers are a range of loud colors with ray florets of yellow, gold, cream, orange, pink, or red with yellow disk florets. Flowers close for the night and under overcast skies. Plants reach 6-9 inches tall and the dark green leaves have white, felty undersides

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Gomphrena Choice Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    These flowers are very full, packed with florets of rich, inky plum-purple interspersed with the occasional touch of creamy white. They last a long time, look great in the sunny garden, and keep coming all summer long.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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