• Alyssum Snow White seeds

    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Phlox Beauty Mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Phlox is a native American perennial containing the nectar that pollinators love, so you can expect a steady parade of bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies to visit your plants all season long. Upright and very densely branched, this perennial has the impact of a small shrub. And the blooms are magnificent, with a sweet fragrance many of us associate with our earliest garden memories. Great as cut-flowers, they are also charming in the sunny border. You just can’t go wrong with Phlox!

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Gazania Sunshine Hybrid Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Gazania serves most purposes: ground cover, edging, bedding, borders, planters, house plant, and it makes a cheerful hostess-gift. It’s a vigorous and floriferous annual. The 6-15 inch long flower stalks rise above the plant bearing single daisy-like flowers all summer long into winter if brought indoors. The 3-5 inch flowers are a range of loud colors with ray florets of yellow, gold, cream, orange, pink, or red with yellow disk florets. Flowers close for the night and under overcast skies. Plants reach 6-9 inches tall and the dark green leaves have white, felty undersides

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Chrysenthimum Carrinatum Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Are you looking for gorgeous color for your fall and winter garden? Look no further than Chrysanthemum . These stunning flowers have bold yellow centers that fade into pale cream at the tips of the petals all contrasted against bold green foliage. It’s colors are most vibrant in the cooler temperatures. So as your landscape cools off these blooms heat up. Besides being beautiful these are also deer resistant and will bring your pollinators flocking! Butterflies and bees love them. Chrysanthemums bloom late in the summer season and sometimes even into the winter depending on your zone. They also look great in a bed, border, or even as cut flowers. Add these yellow peach blooms to your landscape today for a bloom that no one will be able to resist.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Petunia NC Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    These colorful annuals can really add pop to a front lawn and often used as borders, containers, hanging baskets or even seasonal groundcover. Some even have a slight fragrance.

    Height can vary from 6 inches to 18 inches. Spread can be from 18 inches to 4 feet.

    Appearance and Use:
    Used in containers, hanging baskets, bedding, borders, and greenhouses. They are vigorous plants growing 10-18 inches tall and spreading to 3 feet. From summer to frost they are covered in slightly fragrant, funnel-shaped, double or single flowers that are bicolor or solid colors of violet, blue, red, pink, salmon, or white

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Mesembryanthimum (Burf) Mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Dimorphotheca white king seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Dimorphotheca is a low growing, half hardy plant. While it can be grown as an annual flower in most places, it is often used as a winter annual where temperatures remain mild. In fact, these low growing annuals are quite tolerant of both heat and dry conditions, which lead to a more compact growth habit and creates a stunning visual display when the flowers have been planted in large patches.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Dahlia Beauty Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    An easy-to-grow source of bright blooms, grow for borders, beds, and background plantings or for cut-flower arrangements. Floriferous plants, 1-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide, are deer-resistant and humidity-tolerant. From early summer till fall, rounded, 1- to 5- inch blooms arise in white, pink, crimson, yellow-red, lilac-purple, and a wide range of color patterns. The flowers can have form such as single, double, formal, informal, quill, anemone, cactus, and pompom

    Dahlias have one of the widest ranges of bloom colors, forms, and sizes you’ll find anywhere. From 1/2″ pompoms to 12″ dinner-plate-sized flowers, Dahlias bring striking life to the landscape in late summer and into fall. Flaunting nearly every available flower color, except true blue, Dahlias send up both daisy-like single types and full doubles, as well as intermediate forms such as collarettes and anemone styles.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Petunia – Stars Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Pansy Majestic Giant seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    These plants are used as bedding and edging, and in showy container displays. They all have flat, dainty, single flowers and the perennials have green, heart-shaped leaves while the annuals have green, ovate, deeply lobed leaves. V. cornuta, is a rhizomatous plant, growing 6-12 inches tall. It bears fragrant, 1-2 inch, solid or bicolor, yellow, blue, purple, red, or apricot flowers. Hardy from Zones 6-9. V. odorata is also rhizomatous. It grows to 4 inches tall. The spring flowers are 1 inch diameter, sweetly fragrant, and colored bright or deep blue. Hardy from Zones 6-8. V. tricolor, Johnny Jump Up, is a mounded plant 10 inches tall. It bears petite flowers that are tricolored purple, yellow, and white. Grown as an early spring annual in the heat of the South, however it is hardy to Zone 4. V. x wittrockiana, Pansies and Violas, grow 9 inches tall. They bear robust, 3-4 inch flowers with solid, blotched, or faced patterns in colors of red, purple, blue, bronze, yellow, white, pink, lavender, or orange

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Nasturtium Variegated Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    These beautiful blooms open bright yellow with red edges and blushes. Then, as they mature, the red creeps farther and farther across the bloom, creating all sorts of uniquely beautiful patterns. No two flowers will be just alike on Orchid Flame — each is an individual masterpiece!

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Lupin Pixie Dwarf Mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Producers of abundant, dense spikes of pea-like flowers for use in borders, beddings, and for cut flowers. Lupinus subcarnosus, Texas Blue Bonnet, is a 1 foot tall annual that in spring or early summer sports blue flowers with a white or yellow spot. At the same time of year, the perennial (Zones 4 to 7) Russell Hybrids sport impressive 1-3 foot tall flower spikes of yellow, purple, red, orange, white, pink, or blue. Leaves of both are dark green and palmately compound

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Helichrysum Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    One of the most popular “ever lasting” for use in dried arrangements, strawhowers are just as beautiful in summer bouquets and these plants produce so many colourful, long-stemmed flowers you’ll have plenty to use both fresh and dried.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Daisy Double Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Grow it in borders, rock gardens, in containers, and as a bedding plant. The plants form 4-6 inch tall by 2-8 inch wide basal rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves. The single or double, white, pink, red, or purple, daisy-like flowers appear.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Cineraria Hansa Mix seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Cineraria plants are tender perennials that produce pretty flowers resembling large daisies. They hail from the Canary Islands and originally had gray-green foliage, which was seen as undesirable, so many hybrids and new varieties of cineraria have been developed, which benefit from lush green foliage.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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  • Balsam Camellia Flowered DbI Mixed seeds

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.

    Compact, bushy, and very free-flowering, this mix sports big 2-inch blooms in pink, red, lavender, and rose. They arise all along the stems, which makes deadheading difficult, but if you do pinch off those you can easily reach, you’ll get new blossoms all the faster. And the foliage is attractive too — dense, bushy, and bright.

    Balsam makes a nice companion to other heavy feeders in the garden, such as roses, phlox, and hollyhocks. It needs consistent moisture, and appreciates an application of fertilizer every 2 weeks or so during the growth and bloom seasons. Given that, it can take as much or as little sun as you want to give it, with afternoon shade ideal in most climates.

    Bees and birds both seek out the nectar in these flowers, making Balsam a good choice for the butterfly garden or for a choice birdwatching spot in the backyard.

    Original price was: Rs.100.00.Current price is: Rs.80.00.
    Total: Rs. 80
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