Coir (Biodegradable) Pots – Just Growing Nature’s Way.

What are coco pots? Coco Pots also called as coir pots or coconut coir pots are biodegradable pots or planters made from coconut fibres. They are widely used in horticulture and home gardening because they have their own advantages .  These coco pots are available in different sizes and shapes including seedling cups, hanging pots […]

The 7 Spiritual Laws of Gardening

Gardening and interacting with nature can be rewarding, not only for our bodies but also for our consciousness. Check out how you can apply Seven Spiritual Laws to the act of gardening to enhance your experience. By now you have surely heard the symphony of lawnmowers, weed eaters, bees, and children playing that signify springtime is […]

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